I’m here in St Petersburg, Florida at the US Hunter Jumper Association’s annual meeting. Today we are covering rule change proposals. This is a fascinating insight into our national governing body’s processes and how changes to our rules occur. If you are a member of the US Equestrian Federation, you should have received a booklet that details the proposed rule changes. Please read it! Some of these rule changes could affect you (pony hunters, equitation, hunter classics, and the big one: changes to the current competition rating system). There is still time to comment on these changes. Send an email to Bill Moroney, USHJA President (go to USHJA.org for contact info). Voting by the board of directors occurs this Thursday, at which point the approved changes will be submitted to the USEF for voting in January.
If you show at USEF shows or have any intention of doing so in the future, I encourage you to educate yourself regarding our sport and get involved!
Rule change proposals can also be viewed at usef.org.
More news from the meeting later!